An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Beach renourishment crews push pause on pumping to move south

The sugar-white sand of Anna Maria Island has been the pride of residents.

“As I hope many are witnessing, we have the best quality sand being delivered to the beach that we have experienced in the 30 years we’ve been doing this program,” Charlie Hunsicker, the Manatee County parks and natural resources director, said Aug. 13 of a $17.3 million project to restore eroded beaches.

The project, which started July 8 at 78th Street in Holmes Beach, has traveled south with workers going 24/7 at a speed of about 300 feet every 24 hours.

As of Aug. 13, renourishment was completed through the area that includes the Manatee Public Beach at 4000 Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach, and was on hold while contractors prepared a second barge with a “booster” pump, which will provide extra force through the longer runs of pipe to the beaches south of the public beach.

Previously, Hunsicker said the middle of the island, south of the public beach, where the shore is narrowest, could take longer.