Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority proposes policy model
BRADENTON — The Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority presented their future strategic plan to the Manatee County Board of Commissioners at Tuesday's meeting. Supply lines are expanding and securing water for the future will be expensive and PRMRWSA officials have a plan.
John Scheer, from Scheer Consulting, started his presentation with the PRMRWSA Mission Statement: "The Authority is to provide the region with a sufficient, high quality, safe drinking water supply that is reliable, sustainable and protective of our natural resources."
Scheer said, "Through cooperation and collaboration the Authority and its members shall create, maintain and explain a sustainable interconnected regional water supply system." PRMRWSA's partners—DeSoto, Manatee, Sarasota, and Charlotte —have avoided "water wars" because of the strong spirit of cooperation they share, he said.
Today, Manatee County isn't purchasing any water from PRMRWSA; in fact, Manatee County sells Sarasota County 4.4 million gallons a day (MGD), and exports 3.3 MGD to the City of Bradenton and to Longboat Key.