Register by Sept. 2nd for Conservation Lands Workshop
The Charlotte Harbor Estuary Program's (CHNEP) third annual workshop is available for everyone interested
in conservation lands. Speakers and the topics are diverse, ranging
from the power of GIS using the CHNEP Special Places Map as an
example, prescribed fire outreach toolkit, “Ding” Darling’s phone
app, understanding the relationship between our environment,
economy and quality of life, carrying capacity, Southwest Florida
Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area, Florida’s bonnetted
bat, environmental psychology, restoration in the Charlotte
Harbor watershed, and Mosaic’s compensatory mitigation and
conservation lands.
Jim Wohlpart, Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Professor of
Environmental Literature at Florida Gulf Coast University, will give
the keynote presentation Remembering Sacred Reasons: Finding Our
Way in the 21st Century. Dr. Wohlpart’s research focuses on how
we are “placed” on Earth, and how we might be “replaced” in more
nourishing ways—physically, emotionally, spiritually.
This program is free thanks to the speakers, to CHNEP’s
financial partners and to the workshop sponsors that, as of June 12,
include Mosaic, Jelks Family Foundation, Estero Bay Buddies and
the Friends of Charlotte Harbor Estuary, Inc.
To learn more and register (by Sept. 2nd), visit
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