An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

SWFWMD to treat water hyacinth and water lettuce on the Braden River

The Southwest Florida Water Management District will be treating water hyacinth and water lettuce on the Braden River during the week of Aug. 2-6. District workers will treat portions of the river south of SR 70.

Workers will apply the aquatic herbicides Reward (R) or Aqua Star (TM) to scattered infestations, and post warning signs in the treatment areas noting treatment dates and water use restrictions. Treated river water should not be used for watering livestock, or irrigating lawns and ornamental plants for one day following treatment, or for drinking for two days following treatment. The treated water should not be used for irrigation of food crops for five days. Water use restrictions apply to river water only, not to tap or well water. There are no restrictions on the use of the river for swimming, boating or fishing.

Additional Contact Information

Southwest Florida Water Management District

(352) 796-7211