An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

EPA Offers Webcast on Low-Impact Development Dec. 9th 1-3 pm

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Join the EPA's Watershed Academy for the webcast "Designing LID to Work: Lessons Learned from North Carolina." North Carolina is a geographically diverse state spanning mountain, piedmont and coastal regions, making its low impact development (LID) implementation progress a model for many states across the country. North Carolina State University is a national leader in the study of LID and has advanced LID research and implementation, including the development of the state’s LID guidance, the "North Carolina LID Guidebook." The NC State Cooperative Extension’s LID certification program also has the potential to be replicated nationally. This webcast will feature a discussion of barriers to LID implementation and the progress that is being made to address them from a "boots on the ground" perspective of the NC State Cooperative Extension, as well as a landscape architect who is making LID a reality.